Sentiment Analysis

Our upcoming feature will help users accurately evaluate the market sentiment around existing tokens. The Sentiment Analysis tool will monitor platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to gather insights on how the community perceives different tokens. This will help you understand the overall sentiment surrounding a token in real-time.

With the Social Media Monitoring feature, users will get access to detailed data showing how much attention a token is receiving across various social networks. Our AI system will analyze the activity and gauge whether the interest is genuine or artificially boosted. It will also track Influencers/Alpha Calls - 721, showing how many influencers have posted about a token, how frequently, and whether they are holders or not.

Additionally, the FOMO & Hype Detection feature will distinguish between real market interest and hype generated by bots or automated activity. This allows you to see if a token's popularity is driven by real demand or just inflated attention.

These tools will provide users with a clear and transparent analysis, helping them make informed decisions when evaluating tokens in the market.